
Lauren Brown, MPH

Lauren Brown earned an MPH in Healthcare Management from Boston University and a BSc in Public Health and Global Studies from Worcester State University. During her graduate studies, Lauren worked as a mobile health consultant for the Ghanaian NGO Friends of Dwenase (FoD) to implement CommCare into their maternal health center. Prior to joining the PIH NCD Synergies team, she participated in several government-based health programs and fellowships such as the VA Pathways Programwhere she served as a Health Systems Specialist Trainee and the CDC Undergraduate Public Health Scholars (CUPS) Program as a Scholar in the Future Public Health Leaders Program (FPHLP) at the University of Michigan. Lauren comes to the team with a passion to advocate for eliminating barriers and disparities in access to quality healthcare for underserved communities in low- and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs).