Eberly, L. A., Rusingiza, E., Park, P. H., Ngoga, G., Dusabeyezu, S., Mutabazi, F., Harerimana, E., Mucumbitsi, J., Nyembo, P. F., Borg, R., Gahamanyi, C., Mutumbira, C., Ntaganda, E., Rusangwa, C., Kwan, G. F. & Bukhman, G.
Heart failure is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa. Our understanding of the heart failure burden in this region has been limited mainly to registries from urban referral centers. Starting in 2006, a nurse-driven strategy was initiated to provide echocardiography and decentralized heart failure care within noncommunicable disease (NCD) clinics in rural district hospitals in Rwanda.
The results of the largest single-country heart failure cohort from rural sub-Saharan Africa demonstrate a persistent burden of rheumatic disease and nonischemic cardiomyopathies.